
Currently serving as a Law Clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court of the U.S.

2005年5月的一个周一晚上, 莱克兰基督教毕业生代表凯瑟琳·金博尔站在布兰斯科姆礼堂的舞台上,向她的毕业生们提出挑战,让上帝带领他们走向未来. Armed with an LCS education and a long list of awards and accomplishments, Kathryn expected her future to involve a career in the medical field. But taking her own advice over the next several years, 凯思琳看着上帝带领她走上一条与她原本计划的截然不同的道路.  


To say that Kathryn was a good student at LCS would be an understatement. Her high school resume includes class valedictorian, Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award, Herff Jones Principal’s Leadership Award, Silver Garland nominee for citizenship and countless subject area awards. She even earned a perfect score on the English portion of the ACT. 

除了她的学术成就, 凯瑟琳参加了学生会,并在大三和大四期间担任班长. 她参加了足球比赛, 排球, 越野赛和田径队, and she also took piano lessons for nine years. 

凯瑟琳的所有成就, 有一个时刻特别重要:“我在莱克兰·克里斯蒂安最美好的回忆之一是. Musick’s nomination of me for Nerds-R-Us; he put “Karl Kimball” on the ballot. You have to be male to be in [the club], so to this day I think that I’m the only pseudo-female in Nerds-R-Us. 这是一个意想不到的荣誉. 我很激动!”


从LCS毕业后,凯瑟琳去了乔治亚州了望山的圣约学院. 她一开始是学生物的,但是, 像许多学生一样, 她换了几次专业,最终选择了经济学学位,辅修哲学. 

“I think it was a great balance because philosophy taught me how to think, and economics taught me how the world actually works. 它让我看到了这两个学科是如何交叉的:有限的资源驱动着社会的决定, but ideas influence a culture’s priorities which inform those decisions,凯思琳说. 

An internship with Shared Hope International, a nonprofit that worked against sex trafficking, 一旦凯瑟琳拿到经济学学位,法学院将是她的下一个目标. “他们所做的事情的重要性打动了我,这个领域的大多数人都有法律学位. It seemed a necessary degree to help fight these social injustices.” 



“It [law school] was the most intense academic environment I’d been in. I knew going in that it was going to be that way, 但我想我不太明白这比本科课程要耗费多少精力. 我真的想在那里尽我最大的努力. I knew that’s where the Lord wanted me to be and I  committed myself to it, 三年里百分之百的付出. I learned how to work longer and harder.”

“I used to have everything mapped out and know exactly what I was going to do, 我开始了解到,机会会出现,比我计划的要好.”

三年的勤奋对凯思琳来说是有回报的,她以全班第一的成绩毕业了. 她还“预定”了八门课程(LCS相当于去了“水果室”),以获得一门课程的最高分.  

我想了想, “我不知道我将如何与其他学生相比,因为我来自一所小学校,’”凯瑟琳说. “But I gave everything I could to studying and learning the material, and then prayed about leaving the results up to the Lord. They tell you after your first year your class rank. 我震惊地发现自己的立场. After I knew, it reinforced my desire to continue to strive for excellence.”

Clerking for the federal District Court

凯瑟琳开始了她的法律生涯,在坦帕的联邦地区法院为一名法官做书记员. The district court is the trial court level where people file complaints and make motions. She spends her days researching and writing for the judge. 


“以我目前的工作, 我处理的案件是他们第一次进入司法系统——律师提出申诉, 提出动议,最终上庭. It’s the first round of adjudication,凯思琳说. “Then if one of the parties wants to appeal the decision from the district court, it files a brief with the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, 另一方会做出回应. That is the court where I will be clerking in Birmingham next year. 在上诉阶段, 我们将根据我现在在地方法院做书记员的地方法院所发生的情况,阅读各方的案情摘要,然后决定地方法院的判决是应该维持还是推翻.”


As her career in law moves forward, Kathryn is open to different possibilities. 

“I used to have everything mapped out and know exactly what I was going to do, 我开始了解到,机会会出现,比我计划的要好,凯思琳说.  

“当我开始的时候, 我在想,我想为国际正义使命工作,因为我在“共享希望”的实习经历……听起来很高尚. 我仍然认为这是非常重要的工作,如果这是我的职业发展方向,我会很兴奋. 通过在一家律师事务所做暑期助理和在检察官办公室实习,我经历了新的法律领域, 我意识到在这个世界上有很多方法可以让你寻求正义而不用被贴上那个标签.” 

She does know, however, that she would like to teach as a law school professor. “我一直很享受学术环境,我喜欢帮助学生们也体验到这种快乐. Even if just as an adjunct, that’s something I would be interested in doing some day.”


When it comes to her academic preparation, Kathryn is thankful for the well-rounded education she received during her years at LCS. 当她开始在圣约学院学习生物专业时,她和Mr. Mike Musick和Mr. Geoff Stabler prepared her for the rigors of college biology and chemistry courses. The math background she received from Mr. 史蒂夫·利弗塞给了她必要的工具,使她能够在经济学专业所有以数学为基础的课程中取得成功. 她把这归功于. 亚历克西斯·利弗塞和太太. Judy Oncu for preparing her to write at the college level, especially in the law school arena where she was required to analyze, 善于表达, and defend her positions in exams and articles. 

LCS also prepared her for life outside of the classroom. “LCS给了我学习的乐趣, but I also think it emphasized the holistic student, 参与cq9游戏, 承担领导角色,并寻求你所在社区的改善,凯思琳说. 

“在cq9棋牌的13年也让我意识到继续学习的重要性和特权,而不是把这些机会视为理所当然. 这是在一个非常基于圣经的背景下完成的,我被鼓励去思考我的信仰如何告诉我在这个世界上做什么. Faith and living are not two separate parts of my life.”

“我想到了我的工作, 无论是学术还是现在的书记员, 这是我为上帝所做的事, 我要为他尽我所能. 我继续努力为他服务,我认为这意味着无论你做什么,都要尽你最大的努力,专注于荣耀基督而不是荣耀自己. LCS gave me that foundation as a child and as a teenager, and I believe I was grounded with that vision for the rest of my life.”


从莱克兰基督教大学到法学院,再到现在她刚开始的律师生涯,这条路并不总是一帆风顺的. In addition to the academic pressures Kathryn has faced, her path has involved leaving familiar communities to start over in new places. 她提供了几条重要的建议,以当前湖区基督教学生为未来做准备. 

First, realize that it will be an adjustment to leave LCS. “你可能会感到孤独,”她说. “我想每个人在第一次上大学或进入一个新环境时都会感到孤独. It’s not going to last forever; it’s just a temporary situation.” 

Second, know what you believe and rely on the truths that you know to be solid. “When you do come up against doubts or are challenged, know that there’s
你信仰的坚实基础,你的信仰是建立在基督里的,而不是建立在你最近学到的东西上. It [your faith] shouldn’t be swayed by circumstances; it must be rooted in Scripture. 我的鼓励是,无论你身处什么学校或环境,都要和志同道合的人交往. It’s helpful to be in a community that encourages you.”

最后,确保你走的是自己的路,而不是别人为你设定的路. Kathryn said, “Start to develop now your own personal goals. 你想完成什么? What do you feel you’re being called to do?  为此祷告,寻求你的恩赐. Don’t be satisfied with a 90 if you know your best could have been a 100. 我认为这是非常重要的……现在就开始批判性地思考你有什么天赋,你将如何使用它们,让这种天赋成为你自己的,而不仅仅是你父母的期望.”


Congratulations to Nominated Alum, 凯瑟琳·金博尔·米泽尔! 唐纳德·J. Trump Announced his Judicial Nominees on August 12, 2020, 其中包括米泽尔在佛罗里达州中部地区的美国地方法院担任法官. 点击这里阅读文章.